

Here in Honduras our ministry continues because of gracious one time donations and regular sponsors. We are daily grateful for your donations as we watch broken lives changed into happy little people! Child Sponsorship allows you to help a child with their clothing, food, schooling, and daily needs. Each child has a different story… from some being orphans to other needing help with school fees or parents not having enough to buy food for their children. We long to meet there people were they are and offer help – be it a one time need, or a regular reoccurring need.

For their privacy we do not share their stories here but you can comment below or drop me an email to and I will get back to you as quickly as possible. I would be happy to chat and tell you more about these needs.

This is a donation link should the Lord lead you to help us.$JillianKSnyder

My Paypal is

May the Lord bless you richly.